
The importance of the Environment in post-pandemic world

COVID-19 leaves essential lessons on the importance of protecting the environment .

Person watching the horizon

Preserving a healthy environment is essential for the survival of human beings. / Photo: Unsplash

LatinAmerican Post | Eliana Márquez

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Leer en español: La importancia del Medio Ambiente en la post pandemia

The COVID-19 pandemic is leaving many lessons about the importance of preserving and strengthening the environment because it is the source of essential resources for human life.

Environment and pandemic

Based on the containment measures adopted by the countries to deal with the pandemic during this year 2020, opportunities were detected to acquire positive changes in our habits that aim to preserve the environment and contribute to its improvement.

Through these provisions to contain coronavirus outbreaks, there was a notable reduction in greenhouse gas emissions . This fact could be verified by the improvement of the air quality in most of the big cities of the world , as well as the reappearance of wild animals in environments in which they had not been seen for years.

For that reason, experts call for long-lasting actions for the conservation of the environment.


In the post-Covid reconstruction stage, they coincide in pointing out the importance of building and strengthening more sustainable models for the environment. At the same time, more equitable and socially responsible economic systems will be needed. According to these opinions, the expansion of zoonotic diseases (such as this virus) is directly related to the degradation of ecosystems.

In response to the pandemic we are experiencing, humanity will have to adopt a completely different vision and customs regarding the use and consumption of natural resources.

Also read: What's next for climate change after COVID-19?

Post pandemic economy

Those who defend the environment affirm that the only viable alternative for the world's economies will be green investments. That is, those that are friendly to the environment and sustainable for the environment. Paradoxically, the need for social isolation measures to face the coronavirus pandemic caused industrial and commercial activity to come to a standstill for a time.

Undoubtedly, this caused economic damage to millions of people who from one day to the next lost their jobs, companies or investments. Therefore, sustainability studies will be necessary to undertake activities that are more respectful of the environment.

In this sense, businesses linked to green energy, health, production and services that contribute to supply chains will be the most valued in the near future, as well as sustainable architecture and the construction of smart cities will be booming.

In other words, to conserve and improve the environment in which we live, long-term structural transformations will be essential, including sustainable investment plans in eco-friendly solutions.

In the coming years it is necessary to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 10%, according to specialists . This requires a change in production and consumption systems, especially improving the methods of extraction of natural resources. This is an issue that is key for Latin America, since it is one of the regions of the planet with the greatest wealth of non-renewable natural resources.

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