This is how the world celebrated the bicentenary of Karl Marx
The sympathizers of communism recalled the life and work of the father of one of the most important ideologies of the modern world
On May 5, 200 years of the birth of Karl Marx (1818-2018), considered the father of modern communism, was celebrated. Marx is one of the most influential figures of recent times not only for his intervention in the consolidation of socialist and Marxist ideology, but also for his contribution as a philosopher, economist and writer, until his death in 1883.
Leer en español: Así celebró el mundo el bicentenario de Karl Marx
Books such as the "Manifesto of the Communist Party" or "The Capital" are some of the most recognized works of the European thinker. In these, Marx lays the foundations of an economic, political, and cultural project in which the proletariat (working class) is its highest executor.
Controversial celebration in Trier
In Trier, the birthplace of Marx, a series of activities were held in honor of the legacy of one of its greatest representatives before the world.
The production of a wine called "Das Kapital" (The Capital) and the exhibition of 500 representative figures of the German author were some of the artistic samples that were part of the Trevirian festival.
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The highlight of the celebration was an incredible statue of Karl Marx. The incredible work of art, made in bronze, measures 5.5 meters in height and was a gift from China to Trier. A little over 1500 people were present during its unveiling.
However, the celebration that was not well seen in some sectors of the German right and in some groups that are classified as victims of the ideology exposed by Marx.
"We want to protest loudly against the inauguration of the statue of Marx and to hear our concern for this glorification of Marxism", said Dieter Dombrowski, president of the Union of Victims of Communist Tyranny.
With all this, during the next months, about 600 events will still take place in the town located in the West of Germany, in order to pay homage to the father of communism and one of the "most influential thinkers of the nineteenth century."
The Marxist legacy in China
"Marxism has not only profoundly changed the world, but also China," said Xi Jinping, president of the People's Republic of China, during a speech he delivered at Beijing's Great Hall of the People. There, with an image of the giant German thinker as background, the Chinese government celebrated the two centuries since the birth of Marx.
Likewise, Xi extolled the image of Karl Marx, not only because of his impact on nineteenth and twentieth century societies, but also for achieving relevance even in the new century. "The name of Karl Marx is still respected throughout the world and his theory continues to illuminate with its bright light of truth", said the head of the Chinese Communist Party.
Days before the ceremony, a documentary series called "Marx is right", which reflects the life and work of the philosopher, had begun to be broadcast throughout the Chinese territory.
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Immortal Marx
Based on public property and the common good as the main thesis for the formation of a society, the ideology marked by Karl Marx reached its maximum representation in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) created after the October Revolution, carried out in 1917.
Russia newly liberated from the tsarist power of Nicholas II saw in the so-called Bolshevik Revolution, commanded by Lenin, the establishment of socialism in the Old World.
During the rest of the twentieth century, other countries such as China and Cuba also became infected with Marx's socialist model, linked to a Leninist variation, while maintaining their permanence as socialist states in the 21st century.
Latin American Post | Christopher Ramírez
Translated from " Así celebró el mundo el bicentenario de Karl Marx"