6 toxic emotions you should leave behind to become a happier person

Everybody wants to be happy. In order to become a happier person, we must identify which emotion makes us feel bad and learn how to transform it IGNORE INTO a positive one.
1. Constant anguish: This emotion creates a continuous state of discomfort, sadness, and regret. It can make you change the way you listen and speak, as well as influence your decision-making skills. Anguish can paralyze you, and, more importantly, it can affect the people around you and your entire future.
2. Toxic addiction: This emotion transforms you IGNORE INTO an emotionally manipulated person and makes you think less of yourself. It sends you false signals that you can’t achieve anything, and soon you become codependent, you feel insecure, and you doubt your own abilities.
3. Toxic envy: Toxic envy doesn’t make you a happier person. But more importantly, this feeling makes those around you suffer as well. You can’t celebrate the success of others, which leads you down the path of bitterness and makes you unable to handle situations where others are happy and doing well.
4. Chronic pain of grief: When you don’t know how to deal with loss or another big tragedy in your life, you may find yourself in the emotional hell of stagnation. It doesn’t allow you to regain control of your life. Remember that you can’t expect everybody around you to understand how you really feel. Such pain is very difficult to understand. But going through pain is sometimes necessary for the healing process, so don’t suppress your emotions; share with your close ones.
5. Toxic jealousy: Jealousy is connected with your fear of losing someone. And while it’s okay to care about your loved one and sometimes feel a little jealous, the feeling becomes toxic when it involves threats, control, and prohibition.
6. Toxic anxiety: Anxiety usually comes from feeling insecure and threatened. This toxic feeling grows in your body and mind, making you feel discouraged and even depressed. Some other symptoms are fear, lack of concentration and confidence, and insomnia.
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