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The 5 Most Influential CMO Women in the World 2022

Meet in The Woman Post the 5 most influential CMO women on the Forbes 2022 list of the world.

The Woman Post | María Carolina Rivero

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Research dubbed "Forbes World's Most Influential CMOs List: 2022" conducted by Seth Matlins, Managing Director of Forbes CMO Network, and published by Forbes' official website revealed the 50 marketers who pursue the race to shape and character businesses.

Dara Johson Treseder

Senior CMO, Global Head of Marketing, Communications and Membership, Peloton Interactive

Dara is a leader with a track record in designing and coordinating commercial organizations in senior positions. The expert seeks to establish strategies in marketing to grow the brand and boost its expansion. In addition, she studies strategic marketing to consumers to modify any eventuality.

On the other hand, she was awarded several awards and recognitions in the marketing industry. Her leadership experience makes her respected in the media. That is why he gives talks and conferences and advises externally on the growth of other companies. The leader graduated from Harvard University with honors and holds an MBA from Stanford. Currently, it suggests diversity and gender equality initiatives and solves the problems of vulnerable women.

Morgan Flatley

McDonald's Global CMO

The expert leads iconic brands with integrated marketing programs. In recent years, she has played a key role in the evolution and growth of technology for McDonald's customers. The leader believes that McDonald's users are valuable assets and assumes that her focus should be on channeling female talent to enhance the context of the company.

Also, her leadership appointment indicates an increase in sales for McDonald's, with an approximate amount of 8 billion dollars, that is, 70%.

Sara Franklin

Salesforce CMO Chief Marketing Officer

The perspective that the leader guided in the Salesforce Company was training in technological careers, to close the gap. In addition, she realized the inequality of women and their minorities in STEM careers. Her experience in the technological boom determines the transformation of other women in the learning platform.

Additionally, the leader has the knowledge and digital skills that allow her to go with the current trend. In addition, he combines his great trajectory with the audacity of his career to get ahead with invitations and projects in the leadership of the sales force.

Bettina Fetzer

Mercedes-Benz Marketing CMO

Her leadership style is based on elements such as empowerment, learning creation, knowledge, and mental liveliness. The leader seeks to transform the work niches that employees have to mark creative opportunities, drive innovation and implement technological and digital knowledge. The work she has day by day could bring positive and negative future challenges because she coordinates a team of women who with the health crisis and anxiety could lose control.


Alessandra Bellini

Tesco Customer Support CMO

The leader managed to turn the brand around and revitalize it with customers. Alessandra simplified the products and regained the trust of the customers she had lost. During the COVID-19 health crisis, he managed to launch a campaign in 72 hours with the purpose that the company will generate value in social and political issues.

In short, every profession requires strong and courageous women who develop initiatives that promote ideas and opportunities. These successful women seek to reveal the key to the role they play in their work so that other vulnerable women can change their approach. 


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