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Argentina and the largest soybean exporter

The agro industrial complex of Gran Rosario, located on the banks of the Parana River, became worldwide leader

The agroexportador complex Gran Rosario is the largest exporter of soybeans in the world. Specialists of Rosario Board of Trade (BCR, in Spanish) determined this in a study based on data from 2016.

The soybean complex of Gran Rosario, with nearly 40 million tons of soybeans and derivatives, outperformed its competitors. Argentina complex is followed by New Orleans in the United States, with an export of 38.96 tons. It is also followed by Santos in Brazil, which due to trade volume loads, is the largest producer in Latin America. El Gran Rosario led the numbers with 39.36 million tons, which were shipped in 2016.

Why the Argentine complex occupies the first place?

The complex is highlighted by a variety of factors that led it to lead the numbers. First, the strong geographical concentration of grindings locations and oil factories, an area of about 70km to the banks of the Parana River where there are 20 floors and 19 port terminals. The locations will be further favored by the recovery plan Ferrocarril Belgrano Cargas, which will equip ports with access to rail.

Second, plants are leading theoretical single daily processing soybean crushing. Examples are the cases of Renova, Mills River, and Terminal VI with a daily processing 20,000 tons per day. In fact, the plant Renova plans to reach 30,000 tons per day.

Third, the sum of the theoretical crushing together of all plants gives a number of 158.750Tn equivalent to the capacity of all of Brazil, which makes it world leader.

Finally, 5 of 10 vessels in the international market flour or soybean oil come from this complex. In specific numbers, this represents 44% of the world market of soy flour and 50% soybean oil.

What is it different from other countries?

What differentiates Argentina from the United States and Brazil is that they export soybeans, that is, they export unprocessed soybeans, especially to China. In contrast, Argentina seeks to add value and differentiate itself from the competition with other bean products such as oil, flour, or even biofuel. It remains to be seen how the numbers for 2017 are and how the performance in 2018 will be.

El Gran Rosario is one of the sectors that contributes most to exports and profits of the country. This can be seen in 1 out of every 4 dollars that Argentina receives for its exports, that 1-dollar is generated in the province of Santa Fe. The province is the largest exporter of manufactures of agricultural origin with 45% of the total. Additionally, it is the second in exports of industrial manufactures with 12%. With regard to primary products, it ranked third with 8% according to official data established in the provincial Production Report of the Ministry of Finance of the Nation.


Latin American Post | Jonatán Carné
Translated from “Argentina y el mayor exportador sojero”

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