6 alternatives that can help you quit smoking in quarantine
Smokers face a higher risk of coronavirus. So we bring you some options to quit smoking during quarantine.
We tell you 6 tips that you can follow if you want to quit smoking. / Photo: Unsplash – fotografierende
LatinAmerican Post | Cristina Linárez
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Since Coronavirus became known as a virus that can be deadly, by attacking the respiratory system aggressively in many of those infected, it has triggered alerts worldwide. And according to what was published on the website of the newspaper El Heraldo, people who smoke are in the group of those most vulnerable to Covid-19, as well as diabetic and hypertensive patients, which makes this the ideal time to give up smoking.
The study is based on certain analyzes carried out, such as those offered by the International Society for Prevention of Diseases caused by Tobacco, (ISPTID, in its acronym in English), which reveals that smokers infected by this virus, have 2 to 4 more chances of ending up in the ICU than non-smokers, due to the damage tobacco causes to the lungs. This was also indicated by the first infection inspections, carried out in 522 hospitals in various provinces of China, which reflected that 25.8% of the most seriously infected were smokers.
Of this the vapers are not left aside, since according to what was mentioned in the La Vanguardia portal, they are also at greater risk. In addition to the smoke exhaled by any infected smoker can transport the virus and increase its spread, if it is inhaled by another uninfected person. This was stated by Serge Smadja, secretary-general of the French emergency medical service SOS Médecins. Smadja also points out that there are many fatal cases of Covid-19, and a high percentage of those are people who suffered from respiratory failure due to tobacco.
Options that you can use to quit smoking during the Covid-19 pandemic
As smokers are one of the most vulnerable groups to this virus, it is advisable to minimize the risks associated with it, which makes this a good time to resort to alternatives that help to quit smoking forever.
And if you are considering doing it, in LatinAmerican Post we bring you some alternatives that help you quit smoking effectively, as published in Forbes Mexico, after what was indicated by the Mayo Clinic Center for Nicotine Dependence.
1. Nicotine replacement therapy
To quit smoking, something that can help you is trying this type of therapy, which is based on the use of chewing gums, inhalants, and patches designed with nicotine. And although they are short-lived, they do help to lower the desire to smoke.
2. Keep your mouth busy chewing on something
The publication also indicates that eating crunchy foods, such as nuts, or sweets such as sugar-free candies, are good options to deal with the desire to smoke.
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3. Find a distraction doing some activity
Keeping the mind busy so as not to think about smoking is an excellent alternative. For this you can carry out manual activities or exercises, even if you do a short routine daily since everything that allows you to be busy is significant in order to stop smoking.
4. Do relaxation techniques
As some people see the cigar as an alternative to relax in certain situations, the ideal is to look for other options that allow you to achieve that necessary tranquility. Listening to relaxing music, practicing yoga, and doing deep breathing exercises can help you do just that.
5. Get remote advice
Another alternative to quit smoking in these times of quarantine, is to look for organizations or professionals that offer help to quit this habit with video consultations. You can search for this help online, but be sure to lean on true counseling professionals.
6. Use specialized mobile applications
Believe it or not, there are applications for iOS and Android phones that help smokers to be able to control addiction. And according to the ABC portal, the best applications for that are Smoke Free and QuitNow !, which indicate the progress that is being made and all the money saved by not smoking, there is also Stop Tobacco, which is ideal for those who do not dare to Quit smoking immediately, but little by little.
Another alternative is Respirapp, which is an application of the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC), which guides users, and through four phases facilitates the process.
If you have already decided to make an effort to quit smoking or vaping, choose one or more of these alternatives, always looking for a way to have the help of a professional.