Los Rolling Ruanas: Perfect combination of rock and Colombian music

The atypical band from Bogotá is changing the music scene in Latin America
Nobody would be indifferent when listening to this music. It is a perfect mixture between well-known rock classics and traditional Colombian music. It’s the case of “Los Rolling Ruanas”, a band that started uploading their videos on social media and have received around 3 million views on YouTube.
Their fame can be traced back, specifically, to the third video they uploaded onto social media, “I was made for loving you”. It was shared more than 22,000 times on Facebook and received almost 6,000 likes.
This a perfect combination of music that attracts music lovers. Fans of classic rock bands like Metallica, System of a Down, Queen, and/ or The Beatles present a liking for this new twist filled with Latin American sounds.
Although their music is rather alternative, its new found fame is showing that people are always in search for new things to make them feel alive while learning about other’s traditions.
You can find then on their youtube channel
LatinAmerican Post | M. Patricio Campos
Copy edited by Susana Cicchetto