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Meet the Colombian artist who gives prominence to the woman in her paintings
Rossina Bossio is a multidisciplinary artist from Bogotá, Colombia. She carried out her studies in Visual Arts at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Bogotá and Fine Arts at L'École des Beaux-Arts in Rennes, France, the city where she lived and worked from 2008 to 2011, as published in her web portal.
Leer en español: Rossina Bossio: la artista que une la tradición con la modernidad
What characterizes the work of the artist is the union that establishes between traditional and new means of art; this is achieved by taking into account the concept and beauty through it. In most of her works the woman is the protagonist because as she said in an interview with ARCADIA, she grew up surrounded by women, was educated in a women's college and the male presence in her home was quite distant. Among the techniques that Bossio uses, are painting, drawing, video, and performance.
There are several series that she has carried out in her artistic career; among these are:
The Holy Beauty Project (THBP – El Proyecto de la Belleza Sagrada) carried out between 2010 and 2012 (video and painting).
Extraña, made between the years 2013 and 2016 (painting).
Extraña Correspondencia between the years 2014 – 2017 (video and painting).
Unidades Disponibles between the years 2014 – 2017 (painting).
Among others.
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The Holy Beauty Project (The project of the sacred beauty) 2010 and 2012
The central theme of this multimedia project is the power of seduction of images and women as a means for the transmission and consolidation of social norms, ideals of beauty and morality, as it explains on its website. This shows a comparison between the idealized representations of yesterday and today, such as models, music stars, or movies, etc.
In this exhibition he brings together three artistic disciplines: photography, video, and painting, so that it ends up being a perfect multidisciplinary project, complementing it with the theme to be exhibited. In this exhibition, you can also see the questioning that the artist makes about the existing limits between the masculine and the feminine, the Latin American, the old and the contemporary, as she also publishes in her web portal.
Strange 2013 and 2016
In this series, the artist carries out the exploration of the beautiful and harmonious that is found in those destroyed, chaotic and abandoned places, those places that, as it is said in her portal, are not of interest to carry out a pictorial theme. These are not the only protagonists, because as always in her paintings, female figures are there inhabiting the uninhabitable. This is the series that inspired his next painting and video project Strange Correspondence, which according to the portal, is the most important of the artist to date.
LatinAmerican Post | Ana María Aray Mariño
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