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What is the disease that afflicts Ariana Grande?

Symptoms such as paleness, tremors, sweating, headaches, hunger or nausea, palpitations, fatigue, or anxiety are just the tip of the iceberg of a disease that has gained relevance due to recent announcements from the American singer and actress, Ariana Grande: hypoglycemia.

Ayda María Martínez Ipuz

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In a recent video posted on her TikTok account, she responded to criticisms about her body and physical appearance and revealed that she suffers from hypoglycemia, a condition in which the blood glucose level is below the normal range, according to explanations on the Mayo Clinic website.

"I have hypoglycemia, so sometimes I get anxious. Yes, I forget to eat. When I was a kid, I turned into the Tasmanian devil," the pop star explained in the TikTok video, in which she laments the accusations she has received about her recent weight loss.

This is one of the effects of the condition that is often related to the treatment of diabetes or other medications or conditions that cause a low blood glucose level.

Although Ariana Grande does not usually respond to criticism from her audience, she explained her extreme thinness. "I don't do this often. I'm not good at it, and I don't like it, but I just wanted to address the concerns you have about my body and talk a little bit about what it means to be a person who gets so much attention about their body."

Without makeup and speaking slowly for three minutes, she addressed her followers and asked them to respect her physical appearance and, in general, the differences from any other human being. "If you think you're saying something good or well-intentioned, healthy or unhealthy, big or small, this or that, sexy or not sexy, we just shouldn't say it."

She also detailed how the medications and antidepressants she had to take caused her to not eat healthily. "Personally, for me, the body that I have been compared to was not my current version. I was taking a lot of antidepressants, drinking while taking them, eating poorly, and was at the lowest point of my life."

Hypoglycemia requires immediate treatment, which involves quickly restoring normal blood glucose levels, either with a high-sugar food or drink or with medication. Long-term treatment requires identifying and treating the underlying cause of hypoglycemia, according to the Mayo Clinic website.

As the artist progresses in her treatment to overcome this condition, she called on people to be more tolerant and to avoid judging others without knowing what is going on. She demanded respect when talking about women's bodies: "You never know, so be kind to others and yourself," she concluded.

In this way, the renowned artist with nearly 32 million followers on the TikTok platform, brought to the forefront not only the issue of a very common illness in the world but also the attacks through social media on the physical appearance of celebrities and on the standards of what is considered healthy.

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