Get To Know The Violetta Application: The Chatbot That Identifies Toxic Situations

Currently, technology makes it possible to identify relationships between violence and abuse. This is something you can discover in the Violetta app!

Main view of the 'Violetta' website


LatinAmerican Post | Ariel Cipolla

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Leer en español: Conoce la aplicación Violetta: el chatbot que identifica situaciones tóxicas

Every day we see how technology is impacting our lives. For example, we use it to contact others, to find new job opportunities, and even to take care of our health. It is at this last point that many innovations are taking place for both physical and mental integrity. One of them is Violetta, an application that works as a chatbot. It is a service that calls itself a "digital confidant", that is, a person with whom you can tell everything that you don't talk to anyone else. Therefore, it seems to be created with a purpose: to prevent toxic relationships where abuse is found.

This tool promises to have been created to guide women, answer their questions and connect them with a professional who can help them. In this sense, it is important to take this last point into account: in no case does Violetta seeks to replace the referral with a professional who can attend to a case of violence.

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The Importance Of Violetta For Women

In reality, Violetta proposes herself as a first ear to listen to people's stories. According to research carried out by Manos Unidas, 30% of women and girls in the world live in fear of being attacked. Most of them do not usually talk about their problems unless they have an extremely trustworthy person. The reasons? Simple: they believe that sharing their problems can generate criticism in others since they fear feeling judged. Many even consider that "no one will believe them" or worse still: that talking about a case of abuse, violence or aggression can alert the perpetrator and this will result in even greater mistreatment.

Therefore, Violetta constantly clarifies that "she will never judge women" and that everything that is spoken in the conversation stays there. It is worth mentioning that this service was created by Mexican women to identify situations of gender violence, but it is a service that is available to all women on the planet.


Well, this application, which can be used through Facebook, Instagram, or its official website, seeks to promote conversations without stigma or victimization. The service works through Artificial Intelligence, which detects keywords, expressions, or emojis by women. Consequently, through the chat, it throws possible answers of contention, interpretations, and even referrals with a professional. The main ally of this service is Fundación Origen, a Mexican organization that seeks to support all women victims of gender violence in the region.

Precisely, the Origin Foundation highlights that in Mexico this situation is extremely serious. According to the organization, 7 out of 10 Mexican women suffer from violence. This represents approximately 40 million women. In addition, many of them are silent about the abuse they have suffered, which generates very large psychological burdens.

So what can Violetta do? Some of the main functions are:

  • Recognize micromachines.
  • Discover forms of toxic relationships.
  • Learn about the different types of violence.
  • Identify the cycle of violence in which you find yourself.
  • Characterize your relationship according to a “violent meteor”.
  • Carry out a test on the forms of violence suffered.

It is necessary to clarify that this service is also useful in case you know someone who suffers from violence. In these cases, you can talk to the bot to tell you what steps you should follow. At the end of the day, it is not about pressuring the woman you speak to, but about respecting her time to express herself. Finally, it should be noted that the bot does not seek to be an emergency or assistance line in a crisis. For these situations, it is convenient to contact specialized lines. Violetta is used to speaking out of those crises when the situation can be digested and the best steps to follow are sought. We hope that you never have to use this service, but it is important to know that it exists in case of any problematic situation that may arise.

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