The art of procrastination: do you avoid your tasks and at the end of the day are never done?
Procrastinating is in the minds of many and it seems that even the buzzing of a fly prevents you from completing your responsibilities
Mindtools explains that when we "procrastinate" we are making a choice; that is, it is an active mental process. If we speak of laziness, there is inactivity and lack of will. In this sense, procrastination implies that we prefer to do something more enjoyable instead of something that needs more concentration and effort.
Although all of us have postponed our duties at some point, the continuous delegation and the avoidance of what we are entitled to do lead us to ineffective productivity and to distance ourselves from our objectives. This can be reflected-negatively-in our studies and employment.
Why do we procrastinate?
The answer to this question can be eternal-as well as the actions we take to not do what belongs to us. However, PsychologyToday gives us a guide on these reasons:
- Lack of structure: when there is no clear direction in the workplace makes it easier for us to gain the impulses we want to satisfy above what we should do (for example, check social networks all the time).
- Unpleasant tasks: when a task is taken as "unpleasant" it is easier to predict that one can procrastinate before reaching it. We tend to leave what we like least as the last task on the list.
- Time: we do not talk about schedules, rather about how there is a separation between the action we delegate and the consequence. This vacuum produces internal conflicts. When our present efforts are greater than what can bring in consequence or benefit in the future, the person adjourns the task for "after".
- Anxiety: the publication points out that "procrastinators" delay their actions as a way to handle the anxiety associated with fear and failure. By relating time, the person does not perform the action as a way to manage stress. On the contrary, it performs meaningless tasks that bring immediate rewards and thus avoid more difficult tasks.
- Lack of confidence: those who have low self-confidence are more likely to evade their responsibilities; while the safest, tend to finish the jobs that correspond to them in less time.
How can you overcome procrastination?
Although it is always easier to read about it than to do it, WeryWell reviews these actions to help you achieve your goals:
- Face your fear: as we explained earlier, fear of failure or making mistakes is one of the factors that contribute to procrastination. Finding what causes you fear and anxiety is the key to overcoming it.
- Make a list: a simple way to perform the proposed tasks is to write them down in a list. Placing dates and associated time for the completion of each of the activities can also help to see the whole panorama.
- Divide projects IGNORE INTO manageable sections: a big goal can be intimidating for those who want to embark. Seeing the large amount of work can cause you to give up or delegate before you start. Therefore, making a structure where you are fulfilling smaller objectives can gradually make the path more realistic and achievable.
- Recognize the actions that lead to procrastination: there are thoughts that cause procrastination. If you find yourself saying "I do not feel like doing this now" or "I better do this later" and they are repetitive attitudes, it is good to understand that these thoughts lead you to postpone your responsibilities. Before falling IGNORE INTO this endless cycle, work on the task, without giving it too much thought. You will realize that sometimes it is easier to finish it than you thought.
- Eliminate distractions: this recommendation can be basic but many times, we are over stimulated. The social networks in your smartphone or computer, the announcements of new emails, the sound of the TV, are elements that act against us. The ideal is to eliminate them when we have to do a task to which we need to pay attention. Turn off the phone or unplug the Wi-fi from the computer while you are performing this task or activity.
Latin American Post | Clementina Ramos
Translated from "El arte de posponer: ¿pasas el tiempo dándole vueltas a tus tareas y al final del día no las has hecho?"