Mexico: Cultural traditions you should know

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Different traditional practices take place in Mexico during the year
The Mexican Republic has wide series of cultural events that have been practiced for many years. Despite the irruption of mass media and technological movements, cultural practices take place and it is important to know about them, especially, what they represent for a country rich in traditions.
One of the main and worldwide known celebrations is the Day of the Dead. November 1 and 2 are symbolic for the whole country because during these two days Mexicans offer tributes to people who are no longer with us, The celebration is to remember and commemorate that during it those who die return from death in a spiritual way to share an unique moment with their families.
Another traditional and special holiday for Mexicans is the Holy Week. During that week is commemorated the sacrifice that Jesus Christ when he was crucified. This religious holiday is celebrated with representations alluding Jesus life and death. One specific Mexican tradition takes place on Saturday of glory. In that day, Mexicans accustom to throw buckets of water as part of the commemoration.
Other symbolic and very important day full of faith is December 12, This day people remember the date on which the Virgin of Guadalupe made her appearance on the hill of Tepeyac to Juan Diego. Therefore, people can find altars on which the image of the Virgin rests. Also, the cathedral in Mexico City is decorated with flowers and it is offered food and special tributes to the Virgin Mary of Guadalupe. According to popular faith, people thank to the Vrigin because of the granted miracles and beatitudes among the Mexican population.
After the Guadalupe Virgin holiday, from December 16 until Christmas Eve, Mexicans celebrate posadas, Tthe tradition is to commemorate trough representations of Mary and Joseph's trip to Bethlehem. Nowadays, the celebration also includes sharing dinner with family and friends. Even more, there are piñatas to be broken and, sometimes, it can even end in a dance party.
Like good Mexicans who enjoy jokes, laughter, and fun, on December 28 is performed the Day of the Holy Innocents. The holiday constis on making jokes among citizens that end up to be false. This tradition was born as a result of Herodes ordering all newborn children to be killed to avoid the Messiah prophecy. However, today it is a day to perform jokes; after the pran, the following sentence is said: "Innocent little dove that you let yourself be deceived".
To end the year, there is New Year celebration across the country, There are different ways of doing it depending on each region of the nation. Mexico has several beautiful and tradition celebrations and holidays that characterized the country.
LatinAmerican Post | Cristina Torres
Copy edited by Marcela Peñaloza