The New Proposal of VR and VA Glasses is in Charge of Meta

Technology is constantly evolving, and to enjoy it, in some cases, sophisticated equipment is required; such is the case of Mark Zuckerberg's innovation, the Metaverse, a virtual world that promises to be a new way to enjoy everyday life in the future in virtual reality

Vickie Sung

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Technology is constantly evolving, and to enjoy it, in some cases, sophisticated equipment is required; such is the case of Mark Zuckerberg's innovation, the Metaverse, a virtual world that promises to be a new way to enjoy everyday life in the future in virtual reality.

In this environment, special equipment is needed, such as virtual reality glasses, for which the CEO of Facebook joined Microsoft to integrate their work instruments and produce the equipment. If you want to invest in cryptos, then you can start crypto trading after you click on

The Metaverse will be within reach of our eyes

Quest Pro virtual reality glasses will soon be available on the market, which seeks to integrate users into the metaverse environment and make their interaction and experience more authentic and pleasant.

These glasses will cost approximately 1,800 Euros, which makes them an expensive device concerning the previous model, the Quest 2, which is priced at 500 Euros.

These glasses have a significant advantage, and that is that they operate in mixed reality, merging virtual elements in 3D to the physical environment where the user is.

Zuckerberg's alliance with Microsoft is to enjoy the Teams tool and much more belonging to this technology that can be used with the Quest Pro glasses; all this was announced at the Meta Connect event, one of the most important made annually.

With this integration of platforms, the distance between users can be reduced since the avatars of those on the other side of the PC can be virtually next to the remote user who gives instructions.

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Advantages of the integration of Microsoft and the Metaverse

This integration's main advantage is making all users feel comfortable and present during interactions in these virtual environments as if they were present.

When the connections are formal meetings, this technology makes it possible to view a virtual table in the presence of all the members.

In addition to Microsoft, companies of the stature such as Dreamworks and Universal will also be part of the Metaverse with the idea of providing technology to improve audiovisual quality, as well as Accenture, who will have the option of enhancing virtual work environments as required by companies.

Quest Pro glasses were improvements in terms of their resistant design than the previous ones; they also have a better quality in terms of technology, where it is possible to capture facial gestures and eye direction, thus giving an appearance in the actual avatar of the person who is outside the meta operating.

All this is possible through minimally integrated sensors, in addition to cameras, horns, and microphones that will make the experience of the user who wears the glasses a virtual world similar to the real thing.

The goggles are operated via Meta Touch Pro controllers, which make it possible to pick up and feel elements of the Metaverse. 

Visual challenges to be overcome by the technology of virtual reality glasses

The most expert developers of the virtual reality in which the Metaverse has been created have defined four very significant aspects in which they must work in the technology of glasses for the user to experience virtual reality as naturally as possible.

These glasses must have the potential to focus on the element on which the gaze is focused, regardless of its location; in terms of resolution, it must exceed 2D to achieve the most authentic experience possible.

These lenses must also have the ability to minimize graphic distortions so as not to lose the resolution of the image at a considerable distance and, at the same time, integrate with the proportion and dimension of the elements in the optical environment; this is achieved through controlling the luminosity emitted by objects.


The Metaverse environment will provide us with unique experiences where we can carry out various activities depending on our interests.

To enter this virtual world, we must only be interested in being part of technological innovation; we must have the digital equipment required to live the experience as authentic as possible.

In the future, many people will be part of this medium since it is possible to interact at work, invest, earn, save, recreate, play, and much more unusual.

The Metaverse is still in the process of development. However, it is expected that such an innovative project will soon be ready so that it can provide everything for which it was inspired; it is a virtual environment that will provide benefits and profits in various aspects.

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