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The 3 most powerful women in the technological world

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Some of the giant companies in Silicon Valley have these women in high positions. Know them

With the advancement of technology and its growing influence in our lives, technology companies are becoming more relevant in the market and their value increases. Among these, stand out those located in Silicon Valley, south of San Francisco, home to the most influential companies such as Google or Facebook.

Leer en español: Las 3 mujeres más poderosas en el mundo tecnológico

Even if the owners of the previous companies are men, there are women who accompany them in high positions to make decisions about where they are going.

Here at LatinAmerican Post we present the three most powerful women of the technology companies that mark the path of our digital future according to the Forbes Power Women list.

1. Susan Wojcicki (CEO of YouTube)

Originally from Santa Clara, USA, Susan Wojcicki holds the 7th position of the most powerful women in the world and the first one in the technological world. Having grown up in an academic environment (her parents are teachers), Wocicki decided to focus on the business side, even after her undergraduate studies were literature and history at Harvard. For the above, she did a master's degree in Economics and an MBA that gave him the necessary tools.

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Because she was interested in the Internet's ability to build and create things, as she states in an interview for The Mercury News, she joined Google in 1999 as employee number 16. From then on, she has been a key player in the entire expansion of the technological giant, including the decision to buy Youtube and add other features to the search platform.

Likewise, Wojcicki has also made an effort to highlight the role of women in companies. As she says in an interview to the same media, "I have tried in my role of being one of the first women at Google, let alone the first woman to have a baby, to really try to set the tone that this is a great place to work for diversity reasons".

2. Ginny Rometty (CEO of IBM)

In position 10 of the general list and second in the technological world, is Ginny Rometty. Born in Chicago, Rommety studied science with honors in computer science and electrical engineering at Northwestern University, where she was later awarded an honorary degree.

As the official IBM page points out, she began her career in 1981 until becoming CEO in 2012. Among her achievements, she has led the process of transforming the company into the new era of artificial intelligence, cybersecurity and quantum technologies. For her, IBM is recognized worldwide in these fields.

Beyond the growth of the company, Rometty has also sought to improve the conditions of women in it. For example, she extended the maternity leave program, in addition to facilitating the process of return to work after pregnancy


3. Sheryl Sandberg (Facebook COO)


Only one post behind Rommety, in 11, is Sheryl Sandberg, the operations manager of Facebook. Originally from Washington, Sandberg has an exceptional resume. Not only did she graduate from economics with honors at Harvard, the same institution where she acquired an MBA, but she has worked with the largest companies. Among them is Google (vice president of online sales) and has even been a member of the board of directors of Disney and Starbucks, as recalled the portal Euroresidentes. Since 2008, she has worked on Facebook and with her knowledge has helped to increase the capital of the company more than seven times.

She has also led to the empowerment of women in companies. One proof of this is her book Lean In: women, work and the will to lead, in which she talks about her personal experience in the business world. She also argues that men have always been in positions of power and that it is time for women to be more valued and professionally proactive so that they can access the highest spheres of power.

According to an interview with EFE, Sandberg said that "when women are sitting next to men who have the same level of performance, they think they are better than we think we are, and we have to change that."


LatinAmerican Post | Juan Gabriel Bocanegra

Copy edited by Juliana Suárez


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