Amazing! How much money did Nicolás Maduro donate to Indonesia?
Despite the crisis in Venezuela, the president decided to donate a large sum of money to Indonesia
On September 28, the area of Palu was affected by an earthquake of 7.4 on the Richter scale and which triggered a tsunami, where the waves reached 6 meters in height.
Leer en español: ¡Increíble! ¿Cuánto dinero donó Nicolás Maduro a Indonesia?
According to the newspaper La República, the latest official figures show more than 1,558 deaths and more than 1,000 missing. The official authorities expect the number of victims to rise, because it is still necessary to remove several debris from the affected places. Due to this the Government had to create common graves to bury the bodies. With this, it was to be expected that international economic and humanitarian aid would not be long in coming.
What caused outrage was that Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro would allocate aid of more than 10,000,000 dollars to Indonesia. Thus, in his personal twitter account, Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza announced the decision of the Venezuelan government. In addition, according to Sputnik, the aid comes from the Solidarity Fund, which is used to support countries that have been affected by natural disasters.
La solidaridad humanista de la Revolución Bolivariana se hace presente en varios frentes: nuestros equipos de la @misionmilagro desplegados en El Salvador, mientras el Presidente @NicolasMaduro aprueba 10 millones $ para para atender la emergencia por el tsunami en Indonesia
— Jorge Arreaza M (@jaarreaza) 3 de octubre de 2018
Immediately, the opposition party criticized Maduro's decision. The deputy for Caracas José Guerra trilled: "The government donated $ 10 million to Indonesia to help the victims of the tsunami and the earthquake. Where did that money come from? What budget item if it has not been published? No president should dispose of the resources of the country as if they were his hacienda "
#3oct. El gobierno donó $ 10 millones a Indonesia para ayudar a las víctimas del tsunami y el terremoto. De dónde salió ese dinero? De cuál partida del presupuesto si éste no se ha publicado? Ningún presidente debe disponer de los recursos del país como si fueran su hacienda
— Jose Guerra (@JoseAGuerra) 3 de octubre de 2018
Criticism has been given that currently, the country is mired in a strong social, economic and humanitarian crisis. According to figures from the International Monetary Fund, inflation in Venezuela could reach 1,000,000%. In addition, at least 935,593 Venezuelans have left the country and have arrived in Colombia, as the figures of Migración Colombia show.
At the recent UN General Assembly the high commissioner for refugees Filippo Grandi, said: "According to official government data, we estimate that 1.9 million Venezuelans left their country since 2015 to go mainly to other countries in South America such as Brazil. , Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. " He added that: "With more than 2.6 million people abroad today, an apolitical and humanitarian perspective is crucial to help the countries that receive them in a number that is increasing."
There is no crisis
Despite the figures and the constant international pressure, Nicolás Maduro still does not recognize that there is a crisis in his country. In the aforementioned General Assembly, Maduro ruled on this aspect, stating that: "a file against our country has been built at a global media level to pretend a humanitarian crisis, using the concepts of the United Nations, to justify a coalition of countries, led by the government of the United States and its satellite governments in Latin America, that will put the hand to our country ", as CNN compiled.
He added: "The country does not need humanitarian aid because it is not in crisis, nor does it suffer from an exodus of inhabitants, and maintains that the real migratory crisis is in Central America." He also argues that the Venezuelans who decided to leave the country, are returning by xenophobic comments towards them.
Venezuelans protest
Through the social network Twitter several Venezuelans went out to criticize the decision of the Venezuelan government, alleging that the situation in the country needed that money to overcome the crisis that is experienced in the nation.
Con sólo UNO de los 10 Millones que Maduro donó a los damnificados de Indonesia, se resuelve por completo la situación de los DAMNIFICADOS EN VENEZUELA.
— Luis Alberto Silva A (@LuisSilvaDip) 4 de octubre de 2018
NM dono 10 millones de $ a Indonesia x ayuda humanitaria. Y el Pediátrico Menca de Leoni en San Félix lleva 4 meses cerrado x colapso de la infraestructura y aguas negras. Que tragedia vive #Venezuela bajo el dominio de esta DICT comunista #SOSVenezuela
— Dra. María Yanes H. (@mariayanesh) 3 de octubre de 2018
Esto es en el sector El Morro de Petare. Familias enteras lo perdieron todo luego que viviendas con fallas estructurales de la Misión Vivienda Venezuela colapsara, mientras el régimen dona 10 millones de dólares tras terremoto a Indonesia
— Javier Chirinos (@Javier_Chirinos) 3 de octubre de 2018
LatinAmerican Post | Laura Viviana Guevara Muñoz
Copy edited by Luisa Fernanda Baez Toro
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