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Everything you need to know about the PS5 announcement

After a long wait, we learned the official launch price, the details and the video games that this long-awaited console will launch .

In the PS Showcase we were able to know all the details of the new Play Station console. / Photo:

LatinAmerican Post | Ariel Cipolla

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Leer en español: Todo lo que debes saber sobre el anuncio de la PS5

After a long wait we know all about the PlayStation 5, the fifth generation of consoles from the guys at Sony. The El Mundo website highlights that the PS5 Showcase was an event in which all the details that fans expected were presented. This includes from the specifications of the console, the price and the release date to the video games that will be included on release. 

It is in this sense that something that had been rumored for some time was confirmed: it will have two versions. As the Hypertextual website highlights, there will be the possibility for users to buy the standard PS5 with a disc reader, for a price of $ 499; or that they bet on a 100% digital version, which will cost 399 dollars.

According to Marca, both consoles will go on sale from November 12 in the United States, Japan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand and Mexico. For the rest of the world, including the rest of the Latin American countries, there will be a wait of a couple of days, since it will be available in the market from November 19. Let's see more details of the event.

The confirmed details of the PS5

Many users wanted to know, in addition to the price and the release date, what would be the technical specifications that the console would have. According to what the AS media reports, Sony confirmed that the machine will have 10.28 TFLOps, 16 GB of RAM memory and an SSD that will mean a revolution in the speed of loading. 

Another important point is that it will have a custom RDNA 2 GPU architecture, 8 Zen 2 cores at 3.5GHz (with variable frequency) and 825GB storage, so we are talking about a machine that will involve a revolution in performance.

In the same way, Ray Tracing technology guarantees spectacular graphics, something that could be seen in some of the trailers of the games that the console will include. This is reported by the HobbyConsolas medium, which highlights that the game Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales dazzled with a shocking level of detail.

Before we delve into the exclusive games of this generation, a really important first for the gamer community was also announced. According to the specialized medium Vida Extra, the benefit of PS Plus for PS5 will mean that, thanks to the PS Plus Collection, some of the PS4 catalog titles can be downloaded digitally at no additional cost.

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Now, of course this new console would also have featured titles … but some were a real surprise to fans. The first of these was, according to IGN, God of War Ragnarok. It is the sequel to the successful and brilliantly criticized previous title, which introduced us to the hero in the Nordic lands, so this adventure will continue.

Another of the franchises announced during the event was Final Fantasy, which, according to the EuroGamer Spain website, meant the announcement of Final Fantasy XVI as an exclusive to the PS5. In this case, we would have a story that will revolve around two characters that will appear in the plot and that will appear as antagonists of a magical story with a lot of action.

Of course, that would not be all. One of the novelties announced was Resident Evil 8 Village, being a horror title that, according to the Vandal website, involved a cinematic trailer in this digital event, which showed us some of the peculiarities of the new story, which will be centered in a snowy town and with a terrifying aspect that looks great.

Finally we know that, in addition to all these launch titles, players will have compatibility "with 99 percent of PS4 games," according to the Gizmodo website. Therefore, there will be the possibility of knowing new interesting stories, but also of reliving others that were iconic in the previous generation. Will they be even more successful?

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